, , , : Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Galápagos amenazadas por la gente , no el cambio climático . Buenas notas en Ecuador y México . Y estimar una estrella no es lo mismo que descubrirla Wires , Wash . Post , a few more : New reports back , and muscle-up , idea that global warming also means more weather whipsaw Pop Sci , Wired , Guardian , more : NASA Goddard’s movie of ocean currents goes Van Gogh viral Just get it over with and watch this Now snap out of your daze . Visualization of data has been increasingly jaw-dropping , and accelerating in its skill level , for decades . A feast was laid out this week . Sometimes the data don’t have to be manipulated a great deal , such as the picture of 200,000 galaxies just released previous post and